Guide For Authors


Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts through the journal’s online submission system, available at The submission guidelines and relevant resources for the Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Science and Technology (JAMST) can be accessed via the same platform.

It is strongly recommended that authors use the provided submission template, editing it as necessary, rather than creating a new file from scratch. This ensures consistency and adherence to the journal's formatting standards.


The journal publishes the following types of manuscripts:

Full Research Articles 

Full research articles should present substantial new findings and conclusions derived from scientific investigations and processes relevant to the journal's scope. Manuscripts should be between 8-10 pages in length and must include a minimum of 20 references.

Review Articles
Review articles present the current state of knowledge in a specific field and offer recommendations for potential future research directions. Published review articles should be between 10-15 pages in length and must include a minimum of 50 references.

Book Review

A critical assessment of a book, typically written for publication in a journal, magazine, or online platform. It aims to provide readers with an overview of the book's content, evaluate its strengths and weaknesses, and offer personal insights or recommendations.



These instructions are designed to meet all formatting requirements for your manuscript. Please utilize the provided template when preparing your submission.

The manuscript file should be formatted as single-spaced, two-column text. It must be written in English using Times New Roman font at a size of 12 pt. Clarity, directness, and an active voice are essential for effective communication.

Manuscripts should include the following sections:

  • Title Page
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Introduction
  • Method and Materials
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusions
  • Acknowledgements
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Author Contributions (Optional)
  • References
  • Appendices



The title should be concise and informative, as it serves as a key element in information retrieval systems where titles are frequently utilized as search terms. Whenever feasible, refrain from using abbreviations and formulas in the title.

Author Names and Affiliations

Prior to submitting the manuscript, please ensure that each author's given name(s) and family name(s) are clearly indicated and accurately spelled. The affiliation addresses of the authors should be listed directly beneath their names. Each affiliation should be denoted with a lowercase or Roman numeral as a superscript letter immediately following the author's name and preceding the corresponding address. Please include the complete affiliation, including the country name, as well as the email address of the corresponding author.

Corresponding Author

The corresponding author(s) should be clearly designated, and their email address must be provided for all correspondence throughout the reviewing and publishing processes, as well as after the paper has been published. This individual will be responsible for addressing any future inquiries related to the Methodology and Materials. The corresponding author must ensure that their email address and contact details are current. The email address should be indicated with an asterisk (*) preceding the corresponding author's name.


A well-written abstract should be concise and informative, with a maximum of 250 words. It must include the aim of the study, a brief overview of the methodology, key findings, and major conclusions. The abstract should stand alone, providing a clear summary of the research without relying on external references. It should not contain citations, tables, or figures. Non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided; however, if necessary, they must be defined upon their first mention within the abstract.


Keywords should be listed immediately following the abstract, consisting of five distinct terms. Use abbreviations judiciously; only well-established abbreviations in the field are acceptable. These keywords will be utilized for indexing purposes.



The introduction should provide sufficient background and context for the work, highlighting its significance and explaining why it is relevant to researchers. Avoid detailed literature reviews or extensive summaries of the results. Conclude this section by clearly stating the objectives of the study.


Authors are encouraged to provide sufficient detail to allow for the replication of their work. Previously published methods should be referenced, and only pertinent modifications should be noted.


The Results and Discussion sections may be combined into a single section. Results should be presented clearly and concisely, with a detailed discussion of the significance of the findings. Authors should avoid excessive citations and discussions of previously published material.


This section should include a concise paragraph summarizing the key achievements and significant findings of the study.



Authors should define all abbreviations upon their first use in the text. Additionally, a list of abbreviations may be provided at the end of the manuscript for clarity.


Authors are strongly encouraged to use the International System of Units (SI) throughout the manuscript. If other units are referenced, please include their SI equivalents for clarity.


This section should outline any sources of funding that supported the research. Additionally, it should detail the role of study sponsor(s), if applicable, in areas such as study design, data collection, analysis, interpretation, manuscript writing, and the decision to submit the paper for publication. Personal acknowledgements should also be included, listing individuals who contributed to the work but do not meet the criteria for authorship, along with their specific contributions. Authors must ensure that all individuals mentioned have consented to their inclusion.


The authors must disclose any financial or non-financial interests, including political, personal, or professional relationships, that may be perceived as influencing the manuscript. If no conflicts of interest exist, the statement "The authors declare no conflicts of interest" should be included.




Authors are encouraged to provide a statement detailing their specific contributions to the article, utilizing the appropriate author contribution roles to enhance transparency. This statement should be submitted during the manuscript submission process and will appear above the acknowledgements section in the published article. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all authors agree on the accuracy of these descriptions.

Each author's role should be clearly outlined, and contributions may encompass various aspects of the research process. It is important to note that contributions do not affect the authorship criteria established by the journal. The following terms are used to describe author contributions:

  • Conceptualisation
  • Methodology
  • Validation
  • Formal analysis
  • Data curation
  • Investigation
  • Resources
  • Software
  • Visualisation
  • Writing - original draft
  • Writing - review & editing
  • Funding acquisition
  • Project administration
  • Supervision

Authorship statements should be formatted with the names of the authors listed first, followed by their respective contribution roles. For example:

  • M.M. Rahman (Conceptualisation; Formal analysis; Visualisation; Supervision)
  • W.T. Urmi (Methodology; Data curation; Writing - original draft; Resources)



Relevant and current references must be included in the manuscript. All citations within the text should be numbered sequentially in square brackets, and the references in the reference section must follow the same numerical order. When citing multiple references within square brackets, separate them with commas to ensure clarity. For more than two consecutive references, provide a range (e.g., [1–3]).

Reference citations should not appear in the title, headers, or abstract of the paper. It is recommended that the reference list adhere strictly to APA Style. If there are six or fewer authors, all authors’ names should be listed in the reference. For works with seven or more authors, list the first three authors followed by "et al."


If multiple appendices are included, label them with letters (e.g., Appendix A, Appendix B). Each appendix should have its own numbering system for equations, tables, and figures. For instance, equations in Appendix A should be numbered as Eq. (A.1), Eq. (A.2), etc., while those in Appendix B should be numbered as Eq. (B.1), and so forth. Similarly, tables and figures should follow the same format: Table A.1, Fig. A.1, Table B.1, Fig. B.1, etc.


Figures should be clear, self-explanatory, and accompanied by concise yet detailed captions. Accepted formats include PNG, TIFF, JPEG, and BMP. For grayscale images, a resolution of 600 dpi is required, while colour images should have a resolution of 300 dpi. Figures must be numbered sequentially in the text according to their order of appearance (e.g., Figure 1, Figure 2). Multi-part figures, such as Figure 1(a) and Figure 1(b), should have each part clearly labelled. Captions should be written in sentence case, centred beneath the figure, and without a period at the end.


Tables should be clear and self-explanatory, accompanied by concise yet descriptive captions. All tables must be numbered sequentially in the text in the order they appear (e.g., Table 1, Table 2). Tables should be submitted as editable text, not as images.


Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders for any illustrations, tables, or figures that have been previously published. Typically, the publisher of the original journal or book is the copyright owner. In such cases, authors must include a letter from the copyright holder confirming that permission to reproduce the material has been granted.


All submitted papers undergo an initial evaluation by an Editor, who reserves the right to reject manuscripts prior to peer review if they do not align with the journal's scope or fail to meet quality standards. Following this preliminary screening, suitable manuscripts are subjected to single-blind peer review by a minimum of two independent reviewers or experts. Authors are encouraged to suggest at least three qualified individuals who can evaluate their paper and must provide the current email addresses of all recommended reviewers.


The manuscript must be written in clear and comprehensible English. Authors are responsible for proofreading their work to ensure proper spelling and grammar. Manuscripts that are incomplete or not in satisfactory condition will be returned promptly for revision.




Plagiarism screening is an integral part of the editorial process. All submitted manuscripts will undergo a plagiarism check using Turnitin software. The acceptable similarity index must be below 20%.


Citation manipulation involves the excessive self-citation of an author's own work solely to increase the citation count (COPE, 2019). The Journal of Applied Membrane Science and Technology encourages authors to limit self-citations to prevent citation manipulation.


Galley proofs are provided exclusively for the correction of printing errors. They should not be used for language or content revisions. Authors are advised to carefully proofread and address any errors promptly. Corrected galley proofs must be returned within 7 working days of receipt.


There are no fees associated with the publication of articles in this journal. All articles are published at no cost to the authors.


This checklist is designed to assist you in conducting a final review of your article before submission to the Editor. Please ensure that the following items are included:

  • Manuscript is prepared using the journal template.
  • Copyright Transfer Agreement is provided.
  • All necessary files have been uploaded.


  • The manuscript has undergone spell and grammar checks.
  • References are formatted correctly according to the journal's guidelines.
  • All references cited in the text are included in the Reference list, and vice versa.
  • Permission has been obtained for the use of copyrighted material from other sources.