About the Journal


Peer Review Process

AMST uses Plagiarism Detection Software – Turnitin® to screen for plagiarism before publication. This journal operates a conventional single-blind reviewing policy in which the reviewer's name is always concealed from the submitting authors. Authors should present their papers honestly without fabrication, falsification, plagiarism or inappropriate data manipulation. Submitted papers are evaluated by anonymous referees based on knowledge contribution, originality, relevance and presentation. Papers will be sent for anonymous review by at least two (2) reviewers who will either be members of the Editorial Board or others of similar standing in the field. In order to shorten the review process and respond quickly to authors, the Editors may triage a submission and come to a decision without sending the paper for external review. The Editor shall inform the authors of the results of the review in less than 10 weeks. The Editors’ decision is final and no correspondence can be entered into concerning manuscripts considered unsuitable for publication in this journal. All correspondence, including notification of the Editors’ decision and requests for revisions, will be sent by email.

Publication Frequency

Journal of Applied Membrane Science & Technology is published online with a frequency of three (3) issues per year (April, August and December).

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.




Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) is a leading innovation-driven entrepreneurial research university in engineering science and technology located both in Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia and Johor Bahru, the southern city in Iskandar Malaysia, which is a vibrant economic corridor in the south of Peninsular Malaysia.

With a strength of more than 2,000 academic staff, of which more than 200 are foreign graduate faculty members, UTM continuously strives to develop and enhance quality academic and professional programmes of international standard and global recognition. The student population consists of more than 11,000 full-time undergraduate students, more than 6,000 enrolled on distance learning programmes as part-time students and more than 9,000 postgraduate students in various fields of specialisation. Out of this, more than 3,000 are foreign students.

UTM's mission is to lead in the development of creative and innovative human capital and advanced technologies that will contribute to the nation's wealth creation. This is in line with the aspiration of the country towards becoming a knowledge-based, innovation-led economy grounded in creativity and innovation with high value creation. Through a strategic transformation of its organizational structure, UTM is focused in creating a vibrant academic culture and fertile intellectual ecosystem that inspire creativity and innovation.

Innovation is thus central to its core value, with the innovation culture permeated across all dimensions of the university including teaching and learning, research and development, writing and publication, management and administration, staff and student development, consultancy and professional services and also university social responsibility. Innovation is expedited by the university community through concerted effort and strong team spirit with shared mission and purpose.

UTM has also established a reputation for innovative education and leading-edge, proven by becoming the three-time winner for the National Intellectual Property Award for organization category. A stimulating research culture exists in UTM through 11 Research Alliances (RA) in strategic disciplines namely Sustainability, Infocomm, Water, Cybernetics, Biotech, Construction, Materials & Manufacturing, K-Economy, Energy, Transportation and Nanotechnology. In addition there are 28 Centres of Excellence (CoE) in addition to academic faculties to service technological education and research needs of the university.

UTM is also actively engaged in research collaboration with renowned institutions such as Harvard University, MIT, University of Oxford, Imperial College of London, University of Cambridge, Tokyo University and Meiji University on areas of mutual interests. To facilitate further engagement and networking in academic and research undertakings, international satellite offices have been established in Tokyo, and already in the pipeline are plans to establish satellite offices in Doha (Qatar), Madinah (Saudi Arabia), and in Boston (USA).

UTM is thus renowned for being at the forefront of engineering and technological knowledge and expertise, contributing to the technical and professional workforce of the nation since 1904. Being a graduate-focused university, UTM has the highest number of postgraduate enrolment in engineering and technology, which is one of the important components in contributing towards the development of an innovation-led economy. Having produced more than 200,000 technical graduates and qualified professionals over the years, UTM has earned its place as Malaysia’s premier university in engineering and technology which inspires creativity and innovation.